Author Archive

Love Options: Old and Sexy or Young and Fat

Who would you choose to be in a relationship with, old but sexy men or women or young but fat? Another question was asked to me by a group of friends. They really are giving me a

Children’s Love Languages

I have been reading the book Mom…and loving it! And I really do love it! Though I should have finished this book a few months ago after a friend of mine gave this book to me but

Father’s Day Thailand

This is a celebration to honor fathers, male parenting and fatherhood. Most of the countries around the world celebrate this day on the 3rd Sunday of June. Other countries celebrate father’s day but on a different month

True Love: Letting go or Holding on

Love a strong positive emotion of regard and affection towards someone. I stumbled upon this topic in one of the groups I happened to join on Facebook. When it comes to love or if one talks about